Role Play Wiki

The 2012 SciWorld Online Convention was an online simming and role-playing convention. It was held in irc rooms at Dark Myst from Thursday, May 10 to Saturday, May 12, 2012. Organized by Ongoing Worlds, the convention featured events run by members from Ajje Games, Alpha Fleet, Before the Mast RPG, Federation Sim Fleet, Independence Fleet, Ongoing Worlds, Sixth Fleet, Starfleet Legacy Alliance, Stargate Command Sims, Tango Fleet, Trek Online, Trespassers, UCIP, and UFOP: StarBase 118. It was the tenth SciWorld Online Convention held.


  • EDT: Eastern Daylight Time (United States/Canada)
  • BST: British Summer Time
Ceremony Discussion Simulation Trivia Game

Thursday, May 10th[]

EDT BST Chat Room #1 Host #1 Chat Room #2 Host #2
7:30pm 00:30 Opening Ceremony Chas Hammer
8:00pm 01:00 Fleet Wide Mission Discussion John Thompson Keeping genres alive with fanfic and simming Azanialix Ja'arda & Chas Hammer
9:00pm 02:00 Stargate Simming: Past, Present, and Future Jonathan Everything I need to know I learned from roleplaying Chas Hammer
10:00pm 03:00 Stargate: SG-10 (Stargate Sim) FSF Falk USS Potemkin (Star Trek Sim) James B. "Warp" Mitchell
11:00pm 04:00 Round Robin Trivia Chas Hammer
12:00pm 05:00 Coffee Shop Chas Hammer

Friday, May 11th[]

EDT BST Chat Room #1 Host #1 Chat Room #2 Host #2
2:00pm 19:00 Using social media to maximize recruiting Elena Vasilescu
3:00pm 20:00 The future of play-by-post games David Ball
4:00pm 21:00 Round Robin Trivia SLA Jamie Does the Simming Past Dictate the Simming Future? Tigra Tigress
5:00pm 22:00 Star Trek Technology: What did they predict? What did they miss? Nathalie Chapman Movie Quiz David Ball
6:00pm 23:00 Retired From Simming: A Myth or Reality Tigra Tigress
7:00pm 00:00 Torchwood Ten Live Special SLA Jamie Star Trek Jeopardy Chas Hammer
8:00pm 01:00 Outpost Cousteau (Star Trek sim) Roger Clenner
9:00pm 02:00 Collaboration between sim groups: creating a community Jazza
10:00pm 03:00 Are text based RPGs dying? Jeannette Giesbrecht Chuck vs the Sci-Fi Genres Azanialix Ja'arda
11:00pm 04:00 Encouraging creativity & member participation Alexander Matthews Round Robin Trivia Azanialix Ja'arda
12:00am 05:00 The next generation of simmer Luke Herbert

Saturday, May 12th[]

EDT BST Chat Room #1 Host #1 Chat Room #2 Host #2
12:00pm 17:00 USS Brooklyn (Star Trek sim) Tigra Tigress Lessons learned from a decade of PBEM simming Azanialix Ja'arda
1:00pm 18:00 The Mark Casey Story Mark Casey
2:00pm 19:00 Tigra Tigress: Her Story, the second decade Tigra Tigress
3:00pm 20:00 Issues and Trends in Star Wars Simming FSF Who Easing your (GMing) life with services and technology FSF Josh
4:00pm 21:00 USS Chuck Norris (Star Trek sim) Charles Star
5:00pm 22:00 SimEnc Workshop Charles Star
6:00pm 23:00 Closing Ceremony Chas Hammer



